If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times.
In your 20s (and 30s) it's not about what God is doing through you, it's about what He is building in you. It's more about the person you are becoming than the work you are doing.
In case you didn't know, I'm a little on the impatient side. Ok, A LOT on the impatient side. I want to do. I want to lead. I want to influence. I want to be used.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love learning. In fact, I have a freakish memory when it comes to soaking up information that I know I want to capture. "Growth" is even one of my values. But for some reason this lesson has been a tough one for me to tackle.
But this is what I know I need to learn based on that principle...
The character you are building needs to become part of your muscle memory. Surrender needs to become a habit. Integrity needs to become a habit. Grace. Forgiveness. Obedience. Loyalty. And I'm learning that once I practice those holy habits long enough it will become an old pattern. They need to be developed and become a part of my character compass that will be set for when the pressure is on.
It's not an "either or" statement. It's a "both and". It's not that I can't lead or influence or be used. But, that shouldn't be my focus. Right now, I shoudn't be focused on production. I should be focused on development.
So in the season that I'm in now, it's important that I'm building the character that will one day be able to sustain my calling.
If you are a young leader, I would really encourage you to read these posts that have been influential for me over the past couple weeks:
Brad Lomenick: Rules for Young Leaders on Gaining Credibility
Mark Batterson: 17 Reminders for Leaders
Ron Edmundson: My Hardest Advice for Young Leaders
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