Monday, May 9, 2011

Honor. Everyone?

We honor people based people not based on who they are and what they have done, but based on who God is and what He has done. Honor is freely given. But, who exactly do we have to honor?


We honor those that lead us.
     You honor your mom even when she gives you a curfew earlier than you would like.
     You honor your teachers even though they give you a project due right after the holiday.
     You honor your coaches even when you don't get the playing time you feel like you've earned.
     You honor your boss even when he makes ridiculous demands.

We honor those alongside of us.
     You honor your siblings even when they push your buttons.
     You honor your classmates even though they get on your nerves.
     You honor your teammates even when they don't seem to be putting in as much effort as you.
     You honor your coworkers even if they don't have the same gifts and talents as you.

We honor those below us.
     You honor the Middle School students even when they seem immature.
     You honor your employees even when the project was a failure.
     You honor your kids when though they don't respect your authority.

Honor is hard work. You have to be intentional in order to honor those around you. It often requires discipline and sometimes outrageous amounts of humility.

Who do we honor? Everyone. Because we are honoring them based on who God is and what He has done for us.


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